Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Butternut Kale Lasagna with Cashew Cheese and toasted pecans

Ok, here's a healthy recipe for you all. I know all I've been serving up are deserts and queso. This is a new one for me. Completely vegan and super tasty. I hope you enjoy it. Its a little lengthy but what good recipe isn't. Enjoy and here's to a healthy happy GMO free life.

3C Cashews
Soak in water overnight.
After soaking drain off water. Place into a food processer. It should be gritty similar to grated parmesan

1 box of organic lasagna noodles
1 large about 2 -3 pounds butternut squash
3 cloves of garlic minced
1 small onion diced
1tbls. fresh oregano
2 tbls. fresh basil
2 tsp. fresh thyme
2 tbls.coconut oil
S&P to taste
6C Kale
13 by 9 deep baking dish

First cut butternut squash in half. Its a bit tough so please be careful. Place on a cookie sheet and place in a 350 degree preheated oven. Roast for about 25-30 minutes or until completely softened.
Let your squash cool. Scoop out of skin, it should come out very easily. Place half in a food processer and puree'. The other half you will slice thinly and set aside.

onion , garlic in coconut oil add puréed butternut. Simmer on low add fresh herbs.

Start with sauce place noodles down. Top with butternut slices then with kale s&p then cashew cheese. repeat and end with sauce on top. Top with pecans cover with foil and bake on 350 for 30 -40 mins. Uncover and toast pecans for another 5mins. Take out of oven let sit for about 5 mins.  Makes 8 servings. Serve with a kale salad and enjoy!!! Let me know if any of you try this out an how you like it. You will feel satisfied and a little healthier afterwards.
Lots of Love!!!
Your personal chef

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